Beer Driver's Union - Local 132
Deutschland 1916 - Capt. Konig
The scene depicts the German submarine Deutchsland, NOT the Konig (as I earlier indicated). I said the Submarine was the Konig, in fact the Konig was a battleship. It did take part in Jutland (I got that much right) and was scuttled by the Germans at the end of the war when the British interned the German Hochseeflotte.

The Deutchsland was actually a huge cruiser class submarine designed for long distance operations. It was too big to rapidly submerge so it made a great target. Instead of using the sub as a commerce raider it was employed as a cargo sub and made several trips to the U.S. Because the British fleet held a strangle hold on German shipping, this was the only means of transporting some vital needs from the then-neutral U.S.

This arrival in the U.S. is probably what's depicted. It is quite possible the beer deliver's were heavily of German descent and may have sided with their European relatives at this point of the conflict.
Beer Driver's Union #132
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Comments:This is a very attractive tray and pretty popular with collectors. I have seen three or four of these on eBay and they have all done very well. The Beer Drivers Unions put out a number of trays. Check out this link for a number of trays put out by the Driver's Union.
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